Humans are not made to sit down all day. Now in the time of Co-vid, we are on zoom callls and sitting more. When we sit over a computer all day, not only do our hip flexors tighten from being in a flexed position but our back muscles mold us to hunch forward. So I compiled some exercises to stregthen your back and improve your posture. You can do this exercise with or without weight. And if don't have weights, you can be creative and use waterbottles, books, etc. I recommend doing 10-15 reps of each exercise twice.
1. Reverse fly
When you do this exercise make sure to really focus on your back muscles. YOu don't want your weights to heavy that you can't lift your arms.
2. Bent over row
This exerise also targets your triceps to and
if you want to target more of your bicep, the turn up writs upward like you are serving a tray.
3. Quadruped arm lifts.
This exercise is also great for your abs as it also targets your stability. The trick is to keep your pelvis from moving as much as possible. If you want an extra challenge, try lifting your opposite leg up. Just make sure to do the exercise correctly. Safety over injury or misalignment.
4. Supermans
This exercise is great because it not only targets your upperback muscles but your lowerback muscles. This exercise is also great for your core. You can amp up this execise by fluttering your arms and legs once you are in the position.
Those are just some quick exercises you can do to stengthen your back before you hop to your desk and jump on your next zoom call. Give it a try, your body deserves the best.